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Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI)

The Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) model is operationally defined in terms of 10 factors that comprise teacher stress. In both the literature and common usage of the term "work stress" it is apparent that certain things cause stress and that this stress, when it does occur, becomes evident in terms of any number of physiological, behavioral, and other types of "symptoms."

 The Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) model is operationally defined in terms of 10 factors that comprise teacher stress. In both the literature and common usage of the term "work stress" it is apparent that certain things cause stress and that this stress, when it does occur, becomes evident in terms of any number of physiological, behavioral, and other types of "symptoms." It should thus be possible to identify one array of events that act as sources of stress and another of events that act as manifestations of stress. Such a structure is apparent in the TSI; five factors represent sources of stress, whereas another five represent manifestations. Collectively, the 10 factors represent the stress construct termed "Total Stress." The TSI model is shown in Figure 1 , and each factor is defined in detail later in this manual.
The Teacher Stress Inventory is a 49-item, 10-factor instrument that assesses the degree of strength of occupational stress experienced by American teachers in the public schools. Special and regular education teachers across elementary, middle, and secondary school levels provided data for the development of the Inventory. The five stress source factors are Time Management, Work-Related Stressors, Professional Distress, Discipline and Motivation, and Professional Investment; the five stress manifestations factors are Emotional Manifestations, Fatigue Manifestations, Cardiovascular Manifestations, Gastronomic Manifestations, and Behavioral Manifestations. The five stress source and five stress manifestations subscale scores can be summed and divided by 10 in order to derive a Total Stress Score. The stressful events measured by the Teacher Stress Inventory are different from those in other scales that address general stress or burnout in that the TSI assesses numerous stressful teaching events experienced on the job and in the schools.

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